Alright guys if you want some cheap fifa coins make sure you go check out u7 by comm for some fast and cheap reliable fifa 20 coins and at the same time use PR 9 for 5% off other check out yo what is going on guys it's your board pn9 welcome back to a new FIFA 19 and fee for 20 video um if if I say FIFA 19 I'll starve a video again I'm gonna give away 12000 fifa points I think because it's just getting out of hand but anyway guys today I'm gonna be showing you the five methods which will make you hundred K quick these methods are very basic but are very good to use on FIFA Ultimate 
Team other stuff these trading methods are simple a quick and a guaranteed coins guy so every method I'm gonna go into detail with so it's basically as simple as that so if you and your own debut actually do subscribe to the channel if you are new for more videos make sure you smash their notification button because if you are late to videos like not not some videos like this but some of my sniping videos you might be too late to make coins on that sniping filter but 
If you smash 250 likes on this video you will pack Ronaldo in your next pack try it if you smash the like button you will pack Ronaldo if you don't pack Ronaldo I will personally refined you you're like okay that sound good let me open the packs and I will get into the methods because I've got quite nice pugs said I've got a 55 K park I think but your 5p pack and a 50k pack so yeah hopefully we get something decent from these packs but anyway let's get in it this was from the hybrid League one I if I'm honest I don't really know how you notice if you get a walk out or you don't get a walk out with you know I mean or you get a board drop it's not even a board it's not even a drop Santi Cazorla from a 30k pack with all res this is you know you oh how much is he going for it no nothing special this is you know one day this is gonna be your year if if you don't even get a walk out to refer all of these contracts the fitness cars 
I'm gonna so I'm gonna so I'm gonna sell the fitness cars because they are useful I'm gonna keep the rest I'm gonna settle down when I keep the rest I don't really sell anything at the moment let's go for the mega pack now let's go let's go come on make a pact and again like I said it's hard to tell what's what nowaday so I'm just gonna let go and it's not a board again I parked him so many times this is terrible this is literally terrible guys do not spend fifa points on packs because you will be disappointed she's gonna add all of that to the club on when I describe them because I've got them too but this is that this is the red players bag this is the big one guys this is their big one let's have a look where we get from this one and that was a big flush that was a big flush then that was a bigger flush okay striker is it gonna be 83 rated Jovic yes I don't think he's worth that much I'm thinking things only like free 4k but I saw the flash the flash was much bigger so I guess that's an William oh 
my days how much is this bad boy going for them what Oh a K 10 K may be worth a little bit more than that to be fair how much is he going for okay how much is he going for about 5 K ok so that is not bad uh-oh when I send them all to the transfer list set him a little bit later guys but anyway let's not waste the time and let's get in to this video obviously the the 5 Memphis which I'm going to be showing you right now is the main one today and well no the main one the first one I'm gonna do it in no notice of all that but I smashed bidded the first one it's must bitten if you must be done players must win and it's a very easy techniques how to make coins on thief on 20 and over the FIFA smash bidding is something that you find a player or you find a filter and you bid on every single player for a certain amount of coins and you could only win 5 10 players but you must be looking on so many that there's a higher chance of you winning that player for that price then you list them up for a little bit higher so the first thing I'm gonna show you is how you find players - you must bid up so I will recommend you must be done on players that go from anywhere from 1k to 1.5 k it's probably the easiest way to do it so for example I gray here I'll just hit see so there's quite a few of players that you come must bid on you can pick to my spittle and try to pick up let me have a look if I can find a player that a similar - let's have a look let's have a look how much is he going for he's getting bidding on quite a bit though so you would find for example at Fonte how much is font a font it's probably a little bit too high right now but yeah you would find a player that goes for roughly about like I said 1.2 UK 1 point 4 K something like that and you'll must bid on him for about 6 to 700 coins for example like him how much is he going for let's go for him let's go forward me and let's go from this search him up there you go can is it him yeah there it is ok so let's have a look it is he going for like 1.1 K okay so he's a little bit lower than 1 K he's about nine hundred coins but that is not bad Eva because there's couple ways you can do this he is pretty low the reason he is pretty low let me just quickly go on to foot bin and find you the player that I'm looking for you can use foot bin as well but let me go to nice writing MUX price you need a player who's about 80 rated or 76 rated to an 80 rated player and you need to really find him who is going for a little bit lower so let's have a look how many players we can find okay alright we're gonna get there we're gonna get there now I've gone too far now there you go I am just arriving here sorry guys for this this is they get Michael they get Michael Michael is a perfect player Michael is a perfect player to do this on my Constantine unrated he goes for roughly okay as you can see here one point 2 K 1 point 3 K and that is a pretty good player to do so basically what you would do with mass bidding you would go to about 800 coins if he goes for 1.1 K and you will literally bid on him for 600 to 700 coins you bid load of different prices you would literally go through and bid on loads and loads of different prices 650 700 and some and you would literally bid on as many as you can well this must be the method because for example if you must bid on 20 30 of him players and you only pick up 10 that is still not bad if you know I mean and you can make a lot of coins like that because you must bid on him for like 700 800 coins you win for example 5 of them you will sell em for K and you making coins there's a lot of different must bid and filters that you can actually do for example the most popular one is non risk one is this one it's a low-budget one and it's free rules which are always go for the rating nationality and a team and League so it's really four but for example daya 750 coins you know you'll be able to sell him for over okay I don't want to waste all my coins at the moment at once because I you just sell quite a few players but you will go through and you would have a look what players got a bid on what player hasn't got a bid on they got a TT rated for 700 coins and to start off FIFA 82 rated for 700 coins it is a very good price there's gonna be loads of different players popping up here like I said they go the llama not a llama oh they go he he jumped up they get French he looks pretty good muttered he looks pretty good and then you'll basically sell him for about a cake to 1.2 kg lazy bias but that is actually point number two the second method is actually listing your players up to lazy buyers and listing overnight for some place and now I'm gonna show you how to make coins from lazy buyers so a lazy buyer is someone who can't be bothered to search or he's doing at SBC anything like that he can't be bothered to search further on so he will actually pick up the cheapest play out on the first page of that so for example a Javitch let's have a look how much he's worth he's worth about just say 4 K yeah he's worth 4 K what I would do old list him up for 5k and I would list him up and someone will actually buy him for 5 K because they can't be bothered to wait that's the same as him for example how much is he worth 2.5 k just say he's worth 3 k yeah he is worth 3 K I would list him up for about 700 coins more on players like that if you've got players that are more expensive if you've got players that a player that is worth 30 K player that is worth 40 K you would list them up five K over so obviously the lower rated players you list them up a little bit more if a player's 20 K you'll try to list them up for 20 to 21 K about a K over fo k players for UK tracklist to my before K over if a player is 10 K tried to list him up at K over so sort of works in that sort of a suspect William obviously as you see here he is 10 K at the moment I haven't seen a cheaper one than 10 K so you could be 10 K for example his price range is pretty cheap to be fair nine point ninety nine point five so yeah so for example like with him for you would list him up for about 12 K if you could if you know I mean so that's the pop prospect and you can actually list players up overnight as well for example he's rough about 1.5 k yeah you would list him up for about 2.2 k overnight and you will list them up and you will wait for him to sell so it's a simple method to use and it takes no time at all it's just basically lists in place for a little bit more so you can make that extra cash now I'm gonna get into sniping my favorite trading method of all time sniping methods and the start of FIFA are crazy you can list lease type any player but finding a purchase knife which Blair to sniper is the one you need to go for so first of all first filter I normally use to find place to snipe it's a low-budget filter would you go from 1k about now about 2k to 5k and you can find normally some players that go for 5 k 6k something like that no you can find players that go for about 4 K C for example like him he's 79 rated he's going for 4k and I'm gonna show you example of him if I can remember his name there it is alright so I just found over here yeah just say he's going for 4k yeah let me have a look okay he's exact price he's going for roughly about 4.3 Eric and then yeah he's going for a free got four point free kid because he's 79 rated he's gonna get packed loads so if you just make sure you you remember the 5 send ei tax that ei take it take away so if you pick up a player or you sell a player for four K that is 200 coins will get taken off after you sell the player so you make sure you do remember that so if I sell it for two air for four point three K the tax will be roughly about two hundred and thirty coins so I will still get about three hundred coins profit and you'll just snipe and snipe until you find the player like I said there's going to be loads of place to snipe SPC's you you can find snipe and filters from SPC's from marquee matchups from all different stuff like that you can find these sniping filters a lot like I said sometimes players will won't pop up as much right now is still two o'clock so it's still school time what was i'm sniping so so during school time is better to must bid and late a night bus sniping it's amazing rewards day after school like four to about nine o'clock it's pretty good to snipe because everyone's play and everyone's list and players AB if you know I mean so that is the best way to snipe there's loads of different snipe and filters you can for example find the sniping filter that you can pick up two players from one filter for example you can go Brazil you can go Brazil left mid and go Premier League how many left mid Brazil's are that there's Felipe Anderson and this Bernard this is a very good filter because one player is always so much lower than have one so if I go here and I have a look how much they're going for so Bernard will be as you can see 3.5 K Filipe Addison is about 40 K yeah so Philippe Addison will be pretty impossible to pick up but if someone lists them up for a low price you can get two players at once and as as you can see here 3.2 K I just picked him up I know I'm only gonna sell him for 3.5 K which actually is only giving me about 25 k coins which is nothing that oh I would literally stop him anywhere below 3 K and again he will pop up he gets packed quite a lot I think I noticed I was actually doing this filter yesterday and this filter was pretty decent to do yesterday so that's one of their ways you can make coins as well so that's that's freeways I showed you right now this video might be looking longer but our method is actually a lot of people don't know that consumable position changes and things like that are worth quite a bit for example take advantage of the center defense mid to centre mid and as you can see here this this position changer is roughly about 1.5 K so you can actually pick that up for like 1.1 K there and you can actually sell it to lazy buyers as well because it would one people do s pcs they need one chemistry they can be bothered to wait so devilish you just pick it up here see a lot of them drop there but if you go to like 900 coins you can still potentially snipe some of these position I'm not gonna tell you exactly which positions to you go finds yourself your position a consumable the other one is chemistry Styles chemistry style was always good ones shadow it's always a good one to snipe they are going for a little bit cheaper right now but shadow cards as you can see here they're gonna be roughly about I think this should be roughly got just over two K 2.7 KC so and a lot of new people are to start FIFA don't know what these mean so they just sell them but you can actually pick him up by sniping but this is sniping goes into it but you can must bid on all of these as well so like that the position changes the consumables and stuff of that you can must bid on it's good fitness is for example another decent one because you can pick him up full of 300 coins on below on mass bidding they're roughly about 400 coins as you can see here there but they do pop up for a lot lower sometimes and you can actually pick them up see 400 coins there that's not too bad but if you go to bathe in if you bid on them for roughly about 300 coins 150 see look how many there is hit they're just getting list at the moment as soon as the game comes out we can league and stuff for that they will be a little bit higher but you you can't bid on them and some of them you win something you won't win so like I said consumable trading it's one of the best methods as well doesn't have a tip now that everyone is actually silver players if you trade with silver players so what place trading method it's one of the best trader method so what you to do is do silver what I'm gonna do is go max 500 and find the league that is a top league so for example league 1 it's a pretty good league and I will go through and I'll have a look war players got bit ok so he's got a bit on make sure you add them to your transfer list so you don't lose them then you compare price ok so he's going for 600 coins here I'm gonna bid 300 because that is double no I can't okay him I'm gonna add him here I'm gonna comp a price he's going he he's going for actually about 1k so I can bid 450 550 I can bid 600 even and stuff for that so you can do that or the other one that is any player that's got a bid on you literally bid on you don't even look at the prices you 100% be able to make your money back but every player does go a bid on that's got 10,000 as the top price you literally all you have to do is bid and you don't even look at the final price it's a risky method but it pays off 95% of the time if it doesn't pay off you always get your money back anyway as you can see here he's about 450 coins see so I'm not making anything off him or you always make like your money back so this is guaranteed money back from this method so yeah guys these are listened to methods that I have been doing lately as you can see here you do win a lot of em as well like my con here he goes for one point 1 K 1 point 2 K so that's like that is like 500 coins profit on the player like this you I mean so you can make a lot of coins on players like this you do get a bit of quite a lot of time see like most of these I don't even know how much these are worth for example at him I've gotten for 400 coins and he's cheapest one was there for 500 see I'm not making anything a 300 for him 400 for him again not making anything 600 for in his cheapest one it's about 800 so I'm making a little bit so it's a Miss under the silver players you do have to check the prices before so see you later have a good one Algy