When Your Payday Loan Application Is Denied or Rejected What To Do Next 2020:
Most people who fill out applications for payday loans are usually approved
within a few hours and they get the money they loaned the same business day.
This is because lending companies demand only the minimum customer
requirements. However, there may be few instances when the online application
is denied. Here are ten reasons why your cash advance application is not
approved be lending company.
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Most people who fill out applications for payday loans are usually approved
within a few hours and they get the money they loaned the same business day.
This is because lending companies demand only the minimum customer
requirements. However, there may be few instances when the online application
is denied. Here are ten reasons why your cash advance application is not
approved be lending company.
1. The potential borrower does not have a stable employment. The payday
loan is a loan against the salary that an employed person receives. Without
employment there is no paycheck and no capacity to pay the payday loan.
2. The potential borrower has filed for bankruptcy during the year. While
cash advance providers don’t check your credit score, they are concerned about
your abilities to meet your financial obligations. A bankruptcy shows that the
person can no longer support himself financially. And one year is not
sufficient time to recover from serious financial difficulties.
3. The potential borrower has been employed at current job for less than
required 3 months. Most cash advance providers require a customer to be holding
current job for at least three months.
4. The checking account of the potential borrower is relatively new and
does not have enough large history. Lending companies prefer customers who are
stable and a good indication of real financial stability is a checking account
which is at least 3 months old.
5. The monthly income of the potential borrower is less than required
$1,000. If a person earns less than this amount, the payday loan providers will
assume that he will not be able to pay any amount that he will get.
6. The potential borrower has a big number of overdraft fees and/or NSF in
his checking account. Such situation will alarm your lending company because
the overdraft and NSF fees show that the person is not a dependable borrower.
7. The potential borrower has unpaid payday loans or returned checks.
Similar to the previous situation, these outstanding loans will compel lenders
to deny your application.
8. The identity of the potential borrower cannot be confirmed. This often
happens when the borrower provides inaccurate personal information. This also
happens when the contact information provided by the client can’t be used.
9. The cash advance provider can’t easily establish the bank account
information provided by the applicant. The lender tends to assume that the bank
account no longer exists or is not valid.
10. The applicant receives his wage only once a month. Payday loans are
small, short-term loans and the loan period is usually within 2-3 weeks.
Employees who are paid monthly do not meet this requirement.
If your loan application is denied but not due to any of the ten reasons
above, you should contact your payday lender to clarify the details.
Checkout this : https://hubdunia2.blogspot.com/2020/01/a-loan-sharks-perspective-on-fast-cash.html